1. Select Create Referral via the Referrals tab
2. Select to whom you would like to send the referral. You can choose a member of the care team or search the entire Inca directory
3. Select the referral type and Create
4. The referral will populate with information in the patient's Inca record. Fill out the remaining sections of the referral
5. Where you are listed as the sender you can Send directly or Save and Close then Send via the main Referrals tab
Where the recipient's preferred contact method is set to fax, a full copy of the general practice referral will be sent via fax.
Where the recipient's preferred contact method is set to email, the provider will receive an email with instructions to login:
Where the recipient's preferred contact method is set to SMS, the provider will receive an email with instructions to login:
You cannot create a referral for a recipient that only has a phone number or no contact number in Inca
Accessing the referral (as the recipient)
After logging in to Inca, you will see a notification symbol over the relevant tab: Referrals
There are a number of ways to Action the referral: Mark Pending, Accept, Decline, View, Download:
Mark Pending and Accept will change the Status of the In Progress Referral for both the Sender and Recipient:
After selecting Accept you can mark as Completed. This will move the referral to Completed Referrals:
Alternatively, select Decline or Accept -> Cancel to move the referral to Declined/Cancelled Referrals:
Where you are creating a referral for a recipient that is not already in your care team, sending the referral will automatically add the recipient to the care team, giving them access to the patient's full Inca record