How do I create a Home Medicine Review (HMR 900) referral form?

How do I create a Home Medicine Review (HMR 900) referral form?



  1. Open patient record in Inca
  2. Navigate to the Care Plan tab

3. Scroll down to the Medications section of the care plan and find the goal Correct use of Medications


4. Click the down arrow next to Task to expand the goal Screen_Shot_2020-04-02_at_18.48.45.png

 5. Select Add Task --> Edit Name and choose Domiciliary Medical Management Review from the drop down menu




  1. Assign preferred pharmacist via Edit Responsible Party



  1. If the care plan is pending approval, the HMR document will be automatically generated upon Approval. If the care plan has already been approved you will need to follow steps 9 – 11
  2. Scroll to the top of the Care Plan and on the top right hand corner click on Accept changes



  1. Navigate to the Documents tab, scroll down to Supporting Documents and select Create/Modify Supporting Document


 11. Follow the prompts in the pop-up window to Create Document. The GP will also have the option to sign the document at the time of the creation


