When you register with MediTracker, we request some personal identifiers (e.g. Medicare number) so we can securely match you to your health information stored with your regular GP.
When your GP changes your medical record, it automatically updates MediTracker with the new information.
No. Only your GP can update your summary medical record in MediTracker.
Yes. You can create a separate account for each family member or other person you care for. With their consent, you can sign in to each account through your own MediTracker app, but with the account username and password.
Yes. MediTracker stores the most recent copy of your medical record on your device, so you can access it even when offline.
When you first download MediTracker we will ask if you wish to link your Apple Health or Google Fit account to your MediTracker account. If you consent, measurements from Apple Health or Google Fit will automatically be uploaded to MediTracker.